
Welcome to Shantipur Arunyo kutir

Shantipur is a Village ,is situated at Panchari of Khagrachari District,Chittagong , Bangladesh.It is a very beautiful village.Almost all the people of the village are based on Agriculture.

It is about 30 km far away from Khagrachari District and 5 km away from Panchari Bazar.

Shantipur Arunnyo Kutir which is simply known as "KUTIR" is first founded by Ven : Sashana Rakshit Mahastabir in 1999..The Asst Administrator is VEN : Karuna Bardhan Bhante. The kutir is surounded by a huge forest which contains natural enviroment and very beautiful surroundings. It covered a area of 50 acers of natural forest Land. it has 15 separate house for monks to reside & to meditate.It also have 8 separate meditation centre for monks and people.

The Kutir includes The Largest and The Tallest Buddha's statue of Bangladesh which is about 48 feet long.

Friday, 12 August 2011

Shantipur Arunyo Kutir

                            The Tallest Buddha statue of Bangladesh. Located in Shantipur of Panchari, Khagrachari,Chittagong ,Bangladesh

                                                                              The Administrator of Shantipur Arunyo Kutir ,
                                                  VEN :- Sashana Rakshit Mahastabir, And President Of Shantipur Arunyo Kutir

                    "Don't be  Angry, Appease your Anger , Never commit ill to Others,Always Forgive   & be Compassionate And Practice Amity all the time"

                                Vice President Of Shantipur Arunyo Kutir, VEN :- Karuna Baddhan Bhante(Master Bhante)

                                        The Development Committee of Shantipur Arunyo Kutir,
                                      President Of The Committee :- Mr. Satyanarayan Chakma
                                      Vice President                      :- Mr. Sudangsu Chakma
                                      General Secretary                 :- Mr.Arun Bikash Chakma

                                             Members of The Developing committee      
 01 :- MR Subashish Chakma                        13 :- MR Birabahu Chakma
 02 :- MR Debadatta Chakma                      14 :- MR Debabrata chakma

 03 :- MR Sudash Kriti Chakma                   15   :- MR Biswamitra Chakma   
04 :- MR Indu Jyoti Chakma                       16 :- MR  Chirakumar Chakma    
05 :- MR Abakash Chakma                          17 :- MR Kalyan Mitra Chakma
06 :- MR Arun Jyoti Chakma                      18 :- DR Joyram Chakma
07  :- MR Kusumita Chakma                        19 :- MR Bhabadatta Chakma
08 :- MR  Kokan Bikash Chakma                 20 :- MR Sharal Bikash chakma 
09 :- MR Debasish  Chakma                       21 :- MR Rasik Mohan Karbari 
10 :- MR Natabaran Chakma                      22 :- MR Kulata Moni Chakma
11 :- MR Upayan Chak                                22 :- MR Meghabindu Chakma
12 :- MR Preetymoy Chakma                     23 :- MR Mintu Bikash chakma
                                                                  24 :- MR Jyoyi Bikash chakma
                                                                  25 :- MR Debal moni Chakma        

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